Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2nd 16 MIile Run Completed, as Dad comes home

Sunday was a Great day for a long run. It was cool the entire time, and the first 13 miles felt good...the last 3 were hard, but got it done!

Found out on Sunday that Max's dad also arrived safely back to the States from a year long deployment.

If all goes well, he will be back to enjoy Thanksgiving in Austin, but still waiting on the news, as he's still out of state for the time being.

Deployments are hard on everyone, the soldier...children...parents...siblings...spouses...and ex's (me), as we share a child and of course prayed for his safe return over the past several months. So, it will be a season to be extra grateful, and Max will get to catch up with him.

Donations are continuing to come in and I look forward to the holiday party on December 3rd for this fundraiser. If you are interested in attending, please email, runningforryan@gmail.com for details.

Got a nice little 5 mile with stroller run in today, but dang Max is growing! I think I am pushing around 80-100 lbs with him and the stroller! But it's good for my arms, since I never weight lift.

Tired, and heading to bed.

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