Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another Perfect Run Day!

Yesterday was awesome. When I was finished, it was like I only ran 2 miles. Another great temperature day to run today as well. The group of people helping me with this fundraiser have been working hard, and I look forward to adding new team members as we march towards the $10,000 goal for 2-14-2009.

I have been feeling like Ryan is around me lately more than usual, the whole CD player going on by itself.

Than yesterday I was getting Max out of the car for a run and he wanted the umbrella out of the I was like...let me run over to the driver's side and push the button...but the trunk opened by itself, before I made it to the button!

I paused for a moment, and then went on with my run, but couldn't help but feel a strong spirit hovering around me.

Off to run!

1 comment:

  1. chills! I gotta get on this fundraising thing. I'll try to get a link for myself up tomorrow.

