Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 29, 2010

I cannot believe nearly a month and a half has passed since Austin's Marathon. Fully recovered, yes. In fact, a good 2-3 weeks is what I needed before I started running again. Today the heat was picking up in Austin. High 70's, but not too bad on the trail as it's been breezy since last week. Tonight I had Max, so a 3 mile stroller run. Really hard to do now that he's 5, but still manageable. So far keeping my longest runs near 7-8 miles just to maintain a platform before I start getting into it in a couple of months again. I am crossing my fingers for some news on my next marathon. Other than that, anyone still running the Chicago Marathon, feel free to contact me, as you can join the team at anytime(also found on cararuns.org). In fact, anyone doing any race can raise money with us. I guess I should have pointed this out sooner. I just like to set goals for myself, and the marathon seems to be the goal I personally have in mind at the moment, and it has generated some generous donations in the past. It's not a walk in the park to prepare for if you have a busy, normal life as a full time employee and parent, so congrats to all those who do! Please continue to email me at runningforryan@gmail.com if you have an idea for raising money with me, or want to run and raise money, or want to make a donation. Thanks so much! Sarah

It's Been Awhile, March 23, 2010

I see that my last post was 20 days ago. Well it's been quite a month. Work picked up again, Max was sick for 4 days with a stomach bug, moved closer to town, and had to prepare my first birthday party for Max's 5th birthday. In between all of that a lot of mind wandering and pondering. I am going to say it right now, that Chicago is probably out of the picture for this year anyway. I really didn't rationalize the decision at all before I blurted it out. I was coming off an extreme high from the Austin Marathon and wanted to have another goal to focus on right away. So, I just picked a fall marathon. And because it is a part of my life forever, I have to bring up the fact my Lupus triggered again right after the marathon. Though it seems to be leaving again for now, I really have to face the facts that blazing sun on my face and neck will eat my skin up alive this summer if I am not careful. So, I am looking into doing a marathon in Nov., as it will give me an extra month to train in less extreme Texas heat.

But most importantly I don't want to quit this challenge. For the past 3 weeks I haven't written a thought or focused on the fundraising at all. I had to take care of personal things, and get Max settled in our new place and adjust to our new surroundings and decide if this was going to work again like the Austin Marathon did.

So without promising just yet, I am still committed at this point. I just don't know which event I can/want to do next. What I do know right now is Ryan's spirit has started to surround me again and I had an awesome, sweaty 7 mile run tonight. Doing about 4 days a week of running right now to keep in the swing of things and to do alright in the Capital 10K coming up in a couple of weeks. I feel the adrenaline starting to kick in again, and I look forward to knowing where the next challenge will take me. I have faith an answer will come soon.

Take care.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

Please visit www. cararuns.org

if you are looking to join a marathon training club and want to Run For Ryan and raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Email runningforryan@gmail.com for more information.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

After writing the blog below, it got me thinking about how lucky I am. I wrote the soldier I was talking about an email today to say hello. I had to take a minute and realize it's okay to feel a little off, but that the focus needs to go back on keeping Ryan as my guide to running and to raise more money again for the Wounded Warrior Project. Maybe he wasn't the one to enter my dreams this time around, but dreaming about someone I know over seas made me snap back into my zone. It's actually the unknown part about this journey that makes it so much more special and exciting. I really can't wait to go to Chicago and do this marathon. Thanks A.S. for being there and inspiring me to be a better person.


I woke up this morning with a jolt of energy. I had a very deep sleep for once since the Austin Marathon.
It's true, I got the post race blues. I know why. I was so focused and organized, scheduled, and mentally in the running zone that it made me feel comfortable. I totally forgot about being divorced and the fact that I have not allowed time for a relationship in my life over the past 3 years. But, it didn't bother me. I was so focused on the goal, work and trying to be a good mom that I didn't think too much about other relationships.
But after the race, a feeling of loneliness swept in, and took over for a bit. My mind and body were not occupied with anything to achieve other than my normal duties as an employee and mom. Single parents, and maybe single moms in general can probably relate? I was a stay at home mom, then semi stay at home, then full time working mom and caregiver while his dad was away for military duties. I felt like in order to be a good mom, I couldn't strive too hard with work (ie:cooporate 80 hour workweek) or anything else because I might take away from what I would be giving to my son.
When I decided to start running again after Ryan came to me in a dream, I didn't think twice. At first it was a way to get back into exercising on a regular basis. But when I decided to raise money for veterans, it became a mission. After the Austin Marathon I didn't want the mission to stop, but I was a bit overwhelmed and imagined another marathon and fundraising drive would be pushing it. But, then I started to think about how it felt to be healthy and give back to a charity close to my heart.
I had a dream last night. I was having such a great sleep and it carried into a dream that I vividly remember. I was on a train. It was going very fast, but we were high up, like we were riding around some mountain top. The sky was violet and glowing, very mystical and calm. The view was great, and next to me was a friend who's over in Iraq right now. I looked at him, and asked, "What are you doing here." He said he had some time off and wanted to go for a train ride. I was like, "uh, okay". So, we sat on the train together, looking out at the sky and talked for a bit. When the train stopped, he headed back to Iraq, and I ended up a Max's school where there was a buffet of never ending food. So, I grabbed Max and made him a plate and sang songs with the kids. It was a random dream, but a nice dream.

"To dream that you are on a train, symbolizes your life's journey. It suggests that you are on the right track in life and headed in the right direction. Alternatively, you have a tendency to worry needlessly over a situation that will prove to work out in the end. " (maybe my dream was trying to tell me something)
So, now that I think the post race craziness is easing up and floating away, I am ready to Run For Ryan again, and for our troops.

Monday, March 1, 2010

MARCH 1, 2010

Well, haven't written in a few days. It's been really crazy lately. Still on a little bit of a post marathon blah, after running the Austin Marathon on Valentine's Day. Seriously considering if I am able to do this. But being stubborn, I don't feel like I can change my mind now. I have only ran 3 or 4 times since Austin Marathon, and I think that has made me a little blue. So, I am going to try and get back on a good running schedule, just to feel normal again.

We have added Chicago Area Runner's Club (CARA) as a partner in the Chicago Marathon. Just email me for details. They will train you, and you can run for us on race day while reaching your personal fundraising and running goal.

Biggest worry is can I do it again. But I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. I think if I just relax a little bit everything will come together like it did in Austin. I have one Austin team member going out with me, as he was the only marathoner on the Austin Team. So, it will be nice to have a friend make the trip with me.

It was a great journey and a great team while doing the Austin fundraising and training. Please contact me with any questions. Also, if you know anyone who would like to make a donation to our cause, point them in the direction of our web site.

Thanks so much! Look forward to meeting new runners!